This is about survival in every aspect of being, from urban to rural and everything in between. This is also about spiritual survival. There is a war for your soul, and your mind is the battle ground. Your heart is the map, and Jesus is the light. Spiritual survival is key, for you must first accept reality, and only then can you truly prepare.

August 25, 2011

Comet Elenin and the changes on our world

OK, I am going to give you my faith based scientifically grounded opinion (based on my studies in physics and chemistry). My thing with Elenin is that it is just a comet. It supposedly has a nucleus that is 3-4 km in diameter. So even if it was composed of the most dense elements in our universe it would not create enough gravity to have any effect on us at the distances that it will be traveling. But, there are 2 other objects traveling with Ele that can be seen on some of the SOHO time lapse videos. Some of what I saw was taken when Ele had a coma that was roughly 1/6 the size of the sun. You could see the two companion objects were of a comparable size themselves. My question is, what are they composed of? Some internet chatter has also been building up about a "planet x, or nibiru", which is supposed to be a dwarf star system that follows Ele's orbit, and arrives sometime after the comet. A system such as this would indeed create enough distortion in the gravity dimension that we could experience catastrophic changes on our planet. This system is also believed to bring about the realization of aliens and a contact with them. Now, there are only two spirits in the entire universe, good and evil. So if there is such a thing as a carbon based extraterrestrial being that has the capability of traveling through space in a conventional manner (i.e. nowhere near the speed of light), then they too must have the same spirits. But will it be good or bad. I believe that any "alien" we will ever encounter will only be either an angel or a demon. Nothing like us. As for the magnetic field, it is created by the convection of the molten core at the center of the earth. It has changed many many times in the past, and is currently undergoing preliminary stages of distortions that some say are precursors for a pole shift. But we are powerless against it, as we are from anything in space that may fall from the sky, have a force at a distance against us, or from any visiting space neighbors. I am preparing my mind, body, and soul to let go of this world as I know it, if I need to, and embrace whatever the future holds, however grim it may become. I would strongly advise you to create some sort of streamlined system that enables you to survive without the aid of today's modern consumer society. Whatever the circumstances, what will happen when the shelves don't have food?

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