This is about survival in every aspect of being, from urban to rural and everything in between. This is also about spiritual survival. There is a war for your soul, and your mind is the battle ground. Your heart is the map, and Jesus is the light. Spiritual survival is key, for you must first accept reality, and only then can you truly prepare.

September 08, 2011

The Official September 11th story

‎1. Why did the news agencies report that WTC 7 collapsed almost 1/2 hour before it did, even though it was not hit by a plane, only had a few floors on fire, and gave no indication that it was in any serious danger?
2. Why do we st
ill believe the tale of the 19 hijackers when so many of the accused hijackers showed up ALIVE within days? And why do we still believe the fable of the 19 hijackers when the FBI admitted that they are not sure about either the identity of the hijackers or if there were any hijackers at all?
3. Why was WTC 7 rebuilt, reopened and reoccupied with no press attention? Wouldn't this be an important victory in American resolve and perseverance?
4. Why were the NORAD rules changed for the first time several weeks prior to 9/11, taking responsibility/authority for shooting down hijacked lanes away from NORAD military command for the first time in its history, and given to a civilian, Donald Rumsfeld, and then returned to NORAD the day after 9/11?
5. Why would hijackers planning on attacking NY and Washington DC drive from Florida, pass both DC and NY, and drive all the way to Maine and hinge this huge operation on a connecting flight from Maine to Boston, where we are told they hijacked their plane? Why wouldn't they fly out of any of the airports that are visible from their targets, like Newark, La Guardia or JFK...or even some of the smaller local airports that would have given them a clear easy path to their target and reduce the amount of time that our air defense systems would have to stop them?
6. Who placed all of those put options on the airlines just prior to the event, as if they knew that the stock prices on those specific airlines would lose a huge amount of value?
7. Why did George W. Bush's Secret Service detail not rush the president to safety when it was evident that the nation was under attack? If the nation was under attack, and they did not know the scope of the attack, and the president's location was known, how did they not worry about being attacked in Florida?. Why did they act as if they knew that there was no threat? And why, when our nation was under attack, did the president not rush into action? If you say he was concerned about upsetting the children, you are the ultimate apologist. He could have told them that his mommy was on the phone and he had to see what she wanted. Our county was supposedly being attacked and he/they waited 20 minutes before they moved. This is the smoking gun of smoking guns.
8. Why did the FBI never list Osama bin Laden as being wanted for 9/11? Actually, we know this one...because they admitted that they had no evidence linking him to the event.
9. Why was there molten metal flowing under the wreckage of the WTC for months? No jet fuel can melt metal, and nothing explainable could melt that much metal and keep it hot enough to remain molten for a month.
10. How did a passport of one of the so called hijackers make it through the huge fireball and end up on the street?
11. Why have photos from the 80+ cameras confiscated at the Pentagon never been released?
12. Why did the airplane that supposedly crashed at Shanksville vaporize so that nothing remained, not bodies, not luggage, not metal, - nothing - for the first time in aviation history? However, we are told that even though the plane vaporized at Shanksville, a hand-written note from a hijacker was found.

August 28, 2011

A comment I made on my cousins facebook page concerning the age of the earth; 8/18/11.

just to add my 2cents, First you must realize that "time" doesn't exist. Time is a figment of our imagination. God exists in all dimensions and realities. God is and has always been, why would God need time. What is time to something that is immortal? We measure our time as how long it takes our planet to make one complete orbit. We then divided that into equal parts and created time. So now, when you look into the night sky and see stars shining, you must realize that the light from those stars had to travel at the speed of light for a specific distance to reach your eyes, so if the star is 6 trillion miles away (a light year) then it would take that photon of light 1 year to travel from the star to our eyes ( in our frame of reference). But to the photon, it is almost instantaneous, because "time" stops when traveling at the speed of light. So if a photon from a star 13 Billion light years away falls on your eye, it took 13 Billion years for it to travel from that given star to your eye (in our frame of reference). But in the photon frame of reference the journey will again be almost instantaneous compared to our frame of reference. So to tackle the question. 6000-10000 years is utterly naive to believe. What is a "day"? One orbit or our planet, one orbit of our solar system in the Milky Way, or one orbit of our universe in the sea of universes. Scientists have done numerous experiments to back up the ~ 13 Billion year answer. I fully believe in the Gospel of Jesus, but with the indistinct explanation of the Bible on a time table, we will never know. And for the people who have extrapolated an age from the Bible's bloodlines, do they know how long those people lived? Methuselah lived to be 800 something years old, Noah, and other lived hundreds of years, so what is the average age of the people? This is just a question that does not have an answer that the believer can justify. Jesus is Lord!!!

Thoughts on aliens and Jesus

    Have you ever looked into the sky at night and realized how infinitely insignificant earth is in the grand scale of existence?  If you really try to wrap your mind around your place in the universe, it can lead to questions about the possible existence of extraterrestrial life.  

    So if we were to do a strictly statistical analysis of the possibility of there being a self-aware spirit filled carbon based entity with some sort of civilization in our universe, the answer may shock you.
     To start with look at the number of stars, which could fuel habitable planets, in our galaxy.  The Milky Way galaxy alone contains 200 Billion stars.  So if we were to make a generous estimate that out of the 200 Billion stars in our galaxy there is a 0.000 000 000 1% chance (one billionth of a percent chance) that one of them has a planet that supports an alien civilization you will see that there would be 200 possible civilizations.  So there are 100 Billion galaxies in our universe, and in them there are a total of 10^24 stars (thats 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars).  Now, if we do the same calculation for the chance of alien civilizations on all the stars in our universe, we get a staggering  100 Trillion possible civilizations in our universe.  Even if we backed off of our generosity and chanced it at 1 Trillionth of a percent chance for life, there would still be 100 Billion possible civilizations.  Thats roughly 14 alien civilizations for every person on earth.  

     You can be an agnostic and argue that this is all speculation and that we are the sole and divine creation of God and we are not meant to know things like this.  And for the most part that argument is valid.  Truly, this is all speculation, but it does make you think about what is really in the night sky when you look.

     Now this belief in the possibility of life on other planets does not contradict my belief in Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God, John 1:1.  The Word of God is the same and will never change regardless what way it is conveyed.  Jesus is the Word of God, the most perfect way for us to be shown the glory of God.  Jesus is Gods way of manifesting his living word in a way that best reaches us.  Since we can not be in the presence of God ourselves,  Jesus came to earth and became the membrane between us and God.  An analogy would be to think of us as a baby in an incubator which has the built-in reach in sleeve/glove, and God being our caregiver.  For our caregiver to handle the us inside the incubator, they must use the protective gloves to protect us from the themselves.  Jesus is the gloves.  God reached down to earth with his word and manifest it to us as Jesus.  So if God's Word is never changing and universal, shouldn't Jesus apply to the other possible civilizations also.  All at once he died for all the sins in the universe for all eternity.  The Savior of the universe may be called something different on another planet, but the word of God doesn't change.  But, Jesus rose from the dead 2,000 years ago on earth, did that happen billions of times, on billions of planets?  First I would say that time doesn't exist, and second I would say that the names may have changed, but the true essence of the word of God has not.

August 25, 2011

Comet Elenin and the changes on our world

OK, I am going to give you my faith based scientifically grounded opinion (based on my studies in physics and chemistry). My thing with Elenin is that it is just a comet. It supposedly has a nucleus that is 3-4 km in diameter. So even if it was composed of the most dense elements in our universe it would not create enough gravity to have any effect on us at the distances that it will be traveling. But, there are 2 other objects traveling with Ele that can be seen on some of the SOHO time lapse videos. Some of what I saw was taken when Ele had a coma that was roughly 1/6 the size of the sun. You could see the two companion objects were of a comparable size themselves. My question is, what are they composed of? Some internet chatter has also been building up about a "planet x, or nibiru", which is supposed to be a dwarf star system that follows Ele's orbit, and arrives sometime after the comet. A system such as this would indeed create enough distortion in the gravity dimension that we could experience catastrophic changes on our planet. This system is also believed to bring about the realization of aliens and a contact with them. Now, there are only two spirits in the entire universe, good and evil. So if there is such a thing as a carbon based extraterrestrial being that has the capability of traveling through space in a conventional manner (i.e. nowhere near the speed of light), then they too must have the same spirits. But will it be good or bad. I believe that any "alien" we will ever encounter will only be either an angel or a demon. Nothing like us. As for the magnetic field, it is created by the convection of the molten core at the center of the earth. It has changed many many times in the past, and is currently undergoing preliminary stages of distortions that some say are precursors for a pole shift. But we are powerless against it, as we are from anything in space that may fall from the sky, have a force at a distance against us, or from any visiting space neighbors. I am preparing my mind, body, and soul to let go of this world as I know it, if I need to, and embrace whatever the future holds, however grim it may become. I would strongly advise you to create some sort of streamlined system that enables you to survive without the aid of today's modern consumer society. Whatever the circumstances, what will happen when the shelves don't have food?

August 09, 2011

Here is your red pill.

The New World Order is a diabolical plan created by the financial elite in order to destroy the national sovereignty of the governments of the world through economic blackmail and world conflict with the goal of enslaving humankind in a One World Fascist Dictatorship / Government.
The agents of the New World Order have successfully taken control of the world's financial system. Our politicians have made it "legal" for the private banking corporations to control our money supply, stock market and ultimately our destiny. A famous quote "Money is the root of all evil" is fitting, but a better understanding comes when you ask the question "What is the root of all Money?". The private banking corporations control the printing press and print money for the cost of paper (usury) and use it to enslave the nations and people of the world in debt.
Our governments have become totally insolvent or bankrupt through the creation of this debt slavery. Our governments are now maxing out the NWO credit line to keep the game going. We, the people are the only resources keeping the system alive as we are deceitfully sold into slavery at birth to the financial market as property of the state. Our productive capacity or labor via the Income Tax is used as collateral for this debt slavery. Matrix-esque anyone?
Since the agents of the NWO control the economy, our governments are slaves to the economic system. The NWO uses this power to control the destiny of the nations. The power of this money to shape society is limitless. They use it to control who is elected as politicians, what stories our news outlets air and any other interests (unlimited) that can be bought in a capitalist and immoral society. Not only do they subvert our democracy and keep us misinformed, but they ultimately control the future of our nations through inflation, deflation, the availability of money and interest rates. The stock market crash has become a scientifically created event designed to steal the wealth of the people, further the indebtedness of the nations, and create the conditions necessary for worldwide conflict.
The agents of the NWO throughout the ages have created and manipulated conflicts between nations to further their agenda. They have funded both sides in every major war. They know better than anyone that there is no business more profitable than war since they have been using conflict to enslave the nations through massive debt. The current estimated cost of the Iraq war stands at 2.7 trillion ( 2,700,000,000,000 ) and counting at a time when the American people are witnessing the worst economic crisis of this age. It is time to ask yourself Who is the real enemy of the American people?
The "War on Terror" has been manufactured by the New World Order to finally realize their goal of total world domination. The agents of the New World Order have created a globalized economy in order to create financial dependencies between the nations. The crash of the American Dollar will be used as the Trojan Horse to destroy the globalized market and create the chaos and conditions required to usher in the New World Order. The crash of the world economies coupled with food shortages (famine) and World War III in the Middle East will be used to create the perfect crises out of which the New World Order will arise as the solution. The NWO modus operandi uses a simple Problem->Reaction->Solution process to gain control.
The agents of the NWO use their money, power and control to manufacture the crises. In reaction, the people cry out for help from the ravages of war, famine and despair. The agents of the NWO seize this opportunity to deceive and enslave the masses into their One World Fascist Dictatorship / Government. There is no clash of civilizations, East vs. West, Christian or Jew vs. Muslim, but instead propaganda and manufactured conflict to keep us in fear so we continue to play the game. We are all pawns in this game and until we realize this truth we will continue to be exploited by the agents of the New World Order for personal gain.
It is said that those who are ignorant to the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. Will we allow the NWO to repeat history once again with another Great Depression and World War? Will we be fooled again by the propaganda and bread & circus shows meant to keep us distracted and divided? Will we continue in ignorance to believe the problems of this world amount to petty party politics, a left vs. right paradigm or a republican vs. democrat issue?
We must not let these evil sycophants succeed in their quest for world domination. The future of humanity and the entire world is at stake. We must set aside the things that divide us (politics, religion, race, nationality, pride, hubris) and stand united for truth, justice and freedom. Are you ready to do your part? Are you 100% committed to ending this reign of tyranny and despotism that is the New World Order?
It is time for all of us to stand up as one, undivided, and let our voices be heard. It is time for us to take action to create physical changes on the ground. We must act now to restore the power (control of our money supply and our governments) to the people where it belongs in order to guarantee justice and freedom today and for all future generations. The people are waking up to the truth and the Resistance is growing into a massive movement for change. Please do your part to help educate your friends and family to this evil plot and make the promise to always stand for truth, justice and freedom.
The New World Order Resistance is 100% committed and dedicated to dismantling the NWO in all it's forms and removing it's stranglehold on the nations and people of the world. As long as there remains a single person in this world who stands for liberty, rest assured, the resistance will continue to bring the battle to the enemy until we taste true freedom. Give us Liberty or give us Death.
Join us in our fight to restore knowledge, justice and freedom to the people!

To fully understand the gravity of the situation we are in, you need to know about these topics:

1.  9-11, you have to understand that a handful of Arabs with box cutters had nothing to do with the                            attacks.  The US government attacked its own citizens in order to pass The Patriot Act, among other things, and everyone who was killed on that day was a sacrifice to Satan.  It is not hard to see that it was a FALSE FLAG attack, just like Pearl Harbor, the sinking of the USS Maine in Cuba, the OKC bombing, and the first WTC bombing.
      2.  The Patriot Act.  Look at how it destroys the US Constitution, and sets up the plan for marshal law in the US.
      3.  Agenda 21.
      4.  Codex Alimentarius.
      5.  HAARP

      6.  FEMA Death Camps.

      7.  The Matreya (antichrist) movement

      8.  The Illuminati, Free Masons, and their connections to Satanism.
      9.  The New Age esoteric agenda and symbolism.
      10.   The Georgia guide stones.

Google these topics and find out what you can. 

Check out my youtube channel for more background info: username neilsouthside.

And most of all, believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior!!!!!!!!! 

All of the info given to you here is what has been uncovered of Satan’s plan to enslave the human race, cause there is only good and evil in the universe, no in between.