This is about survival in every aspect of being, from urban to rural and everything in between. This is also about spiritual survival. There is a war for your soul, and your mind is the battle ground. Your heart is the map, and Jesus is the light. Spiritual survival is key, for you must first accept reality, and only then can you truly prepare.

August 28, 2011

A comment I made on my cousins facebook page concerning the age of the earth; 8/18/11.

just to add my 2cents, First you must realize that "time" doesn't exist. Time is a figment of our imagination. God exists in all dimensions and realities. God is and has always been, why would God need time. What is time to something that is immortal? We measure our time as how long it takes our planet to make one complete orbit. We then divided that into equal parts and created time. So now, when you look into the night sky and see stars shining, you must realize that the light from those stars had to travel at the speed of light for a specific distance to reach your eyes, so if the star is 6 trillion miles away (a light year) then it would take that photon of light 1 year to travel from the star to our eyes ( in our frame of reference). But to the photon, it is almost instantaneous, because "time" stops when traveling at the speed of light. So if a photon from a star 13 Billion light years away falls on your eye, it took 13 Billion years for it to travel from that given star to your eye (in our frame of reference). But in the photon frame of reference the journey will again be almost instantaneous compared to our frame of reference. So to tackle the question. 6000-10000 years is utterly naive to believe. What is a "day"? One orbit or our planet, one orbit of our solar system in the Milky Way, or one orbit of our universe in the sea of universes. Scientists have done numerous experiments to back up the ~ 13 Billion year answer. I fully believe in the Gospel of Jesus, but with the indistinct explanation of the Bible on a time table, we will never know. And for the people who have extrapolated an age from the Bible's bloodlines, do they know how long those people lived? Methuselah lived to be 800 something years old, Noah, and other lived hundreds of years, so what is the average age of the people? This is just a question that does not have an answer that the believer can justify. Jesus is Lord!!!

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